Digital Transformation – the Content Experience
Companies that lead a digital transformation of their business are more profitable than their industry average. Established organisations, having spent many years operating via traditional methodologies, now find that they need to move quickly to meet customers’ expectations.
Consumers have become increasingly more sophisticated in the way they communicate and interact with organisations online, hence the need for a customer-centric approach and well-structured, pertinent content and systems designed to support the business.
I’ll be presenting with Vasiliki Prestidge at Content Strategy Applied 2017 in February. We’ll explain how content sits within a digital transformation programme in the context of a case study of a project carried out in 2016 and you can learn more about:
- why a digital transformation project is required and the value of stakeholder buy-in
- research, project management and details of the processes, tools and CMS
- an overview of content assets and the strategy for next steps
Content Strategy Applied goes beyond the theory so you can take away learnings you can use – immediately. We focus on problems, solutions and real-life war stories that content professionals are dealing with now. Join CSA and you will grow your content experience in just two days.
Register now to hear new voices from both sides of the Atlantic, and topics to suit everyone from the newcomer to the experienced content strategist, from people and processes, core practices, to the geekier side of content strategy. The conference will bring stories of content strategy to those practitioners and professionals in related roles who want to understand more about the value that content strategy can bring to organisations wanting to manage content effectively as a business asset.
Registration includes:
- Two full days of sessions and workshops
- Continental breakfast, lunches and refreshments
- Networking and social events
- Special meetup: Content Seriously
I look forward to seeing you in February.